Our Connections
Working together to achieve goals
SI Australia collaborates with a number of partners in the promotion of social justice.
Equality Rights Alliance
SI Australia is proud to be a member of the largest women's advocacy network in Australia.
National Representative, Wendy Evans, IPNR Kath Gribble, and Di Lockwood attend national ERA meetings, while SI members across Australia connect with local ERA groups.
Current advocacy projects include:
bringing the diversity of women’s voices to develop and resource policies and processes that will achieve equality for women
housing that meets the needs of women
women’s equality in laws and access to justice
women’s health and wellbeing
economic policy and structures that meet the needs of women.
National Council of Women
SI Australia works with the National Council of Women to raise awareness of the rights of women and girls, and to advocate on their behalf to improve equity in opportunity and access.
Some Clubs are affiliated with their local (State & Territory) NCWA Council. However, all women are urged to join their local NCWA to support their activities in your area.
To find NCWA near you, go to http://ncwa.org.au/ncwa-members-and-affiliates/; or follow them on Facebook
economic Security4Women
We have recently joined S4W - an alliance of women's organisations united in the belief that economic wellbeing and financial security are essential for women and will enable women of all ages to have an equal place in society.
Follow S4W on Twitter
Important Links
Follow these links to learn more about social justice in Australia